What is this

I tried loving again with open arms, tons of understanding, compromising, shouldn’t have been or had to but fantasied about what should be and could I tried to accept the things I couldn’t change and appreciate what was given even though it came with me losing all of me more than ever… is funny IContinue reading “What is this”


To some, Black women are not afforded the luxury of finding a better relationship. Black women are not worthy of magical love stories. Successful love stories for Black women are marked solely by our ability to endure suffering and continue to stand with partners who demean, abuse and cheat on us with grace..Women are constantlyContinue reading “Nov9”


It’s been a long time I shouldn’t have left you without a good blog to hold you🤣🤣 it’s me and I’m BACK again. Lots of changes lots of growth some mistakes made once again BUT I’m back on my journaling kick. This has been my go to to let go and say what I wantContinue reading “J2019”

Lord I love you

It took the Lord taking you away from me to see how beautiful I am, how capable I am how strong I can and will be… it took me losing everything to learn the importance of not putting any thing or person before him and to only depend and lean on him for every needContinue reading “Lord I love you”


Who can I turn to when I don’t know where our next meal is coming from, rather or not we’ll have a place of our to rest our heads, if the bills will be paid, the lights kept on, when I have to break down from All that’s been left to me to deal withContinue reading “@ALost”

Guess who’s back

Life tried to sway me and throw me off the bridge BUT I’m still here. Sent a minion a nobody a confused shell of a man a follower a sheep in wolves skin to attempt to take my family from me thinking it would cause me to bend and be broken smh🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 try again. AndContinue reading “Guess who’s back”